This site shows selected World Bank Indicators representing UN member Sustainable Development Goals. These goals offer a shared blueprint adopted by nations to preserve peace and prosperity for people and the planet. We focus on goals related to Gender Disparity, showing World Bank Indicators by Geography and over time.
The site is designed for UN staff, non-government organizations, charities and government bodies interested in countries' responsibilities to citizens; specifically gender disparity
To find disparities we use a custom Gender Disparity Index
The World Bank data used for this visualization contains many "gendered" metrics, for example youth employment percentages for males and females. The GDI averages the difference between these to get an overall view of whether the country is pro-female or pro-male.
For each pair of metrics, we have made judgements on whether higher percentages for females are pro-female (e.g. % of each gender in secondary education), or pro-male (e.g. mortality rates).
The calculations do allow for more nuanced weighting, but for this purpose, we have simply used +1 and -1 to represent these pro-female and pro-male metrics.
Averaging and Transformation
Once the weightings are applied, an average is taken of the resulting differences.
This "raw" difference resulted in all but a few countries clustered in a very narrow band around zero. To highlight the nuanced differences and improve visibility in the dashboard, we applied a transformation designed to spread out values near 0 and reduce the more extreme values. We then normalized to a range of -100 (completely male-oriented) to +100 (completely female-oriented). The applied transformation (where r is the raw average, and g is the calculated GDI index) is: g = r( 14 - |0.5r| )
Chris runs the data science practice for Conduent Legal and Compliance Services, with a focus on developing text analysis and information extraction solutions. As well as working in the legal space, Chris has experience of developing advanced analytics and reporting systems in the cellular network and customer service industries.
Yeonjoo Jung is Analytics Architect and Development Lead at Koch Business Solutions, where she works with analytics resources globally to design and build end to end advanced analytics solutions. She develops analytics applications in supply chain analytics, operation and production optimization, and HR analytics. She's been working for Koch Industries for the past 19 years.
James leads a global consulting group at TCS focussed on Finance Transformation and CFO Advisory services. His background includes working for Goldman Sachs and for Hyperion - one of the first leaders in multidimensional analysis and visualization software. James lives in New York, NY with his partner and two cats.